8:00 am
Briefing starts latest at 8:00 AM at Perla Negra Dock #2 entrance. During the meeting, we will have time to prepare for the trip, get your cameras ready, and provide a briefing on how to approach the sharks, shark biology, and everything you need to know to make the most of your day while we wait for the boat to arrive.
8:15 am
You'll board an official whale shark tour boat, specifically designed to meet government tourism standards, and gear up with your snorkeling equipment. The boat is equipped with twin eco-friendly outboard engines, a bathroom, GPS, compass, VHF radio, and shade for both your safety and the protection of the whale sharks.
8:30 am
While searching on the way to the whale shark area, we may encounter jumping dolphins, mantas, or turtles that wander through the vast ocean. The captain may stop to observe these magnificent animals. Depending on their behavior, we may approach them. Your guide will share marine life knowledge throughout the trip, enriching your experience with valuable insights.
10:00 am
After a 30 minute to 1.5-hour boat ride, groups of 40-foot long whale sharks may be spotted by the crew, depending on their location. Sometimes they congregate in groups of hundreds, though there are times when no sharks are sighted. This typically happens in bad weather conditions, when heavy waves make it difficult to spot their fins, and when whale sharks dive deeper to avoid the rough waves, making them harder to locate
10:20 am
Listen to your guides briefing and follow him at all times Let’s not waste any time—get your mask, fins, and camera ready, because YOU are about to enter the ocean with them, my friend! And they’re not alone; sometimes, huge Caribbean manta rays can be seen swimming nearby, as they also feed on plankton and fish eggs.
12:00 pm
So you did it! And realized they swim way faster than you... After all the swimming and excitement, you'll be hungry, so we’ll have tropical fruits, sandwiches, and water ready for you!
Shortly after, we'll be heading back to Isla Mujeres.
1:00 pm / 2:00 pm
Depending on how far the whale sharks were found, we’ll head back to the dock either earlier or later, based on the distance traveled. Hopefully, we've achieved our goal of fostering a deeper connection between you and nature, building awareness, and inspiring ongoing support for conservation initiatives that protect marine life around the globe